
According to the census conducted by Statistics Center of Dubai, the emirate's population of 1,771,000 as of 2009, which included 1,370,000 males and 401,000 females.The area covers 497.1 square miles (1,287.4 km ²). Population density is 408.18/km - more than eight times the entire country. Dubai is the second most expensive city in the region, and 20 most expensive city in the world.

Dubai also has large Hindu, Christian, Baha'i, Sikh, Buddhist and other religious communities living in city.Non-Muslim groups can own their own houses of worship where they can practice their religion freely, by requesting a land grant and permission to build a compound. Groups that do not have their own buildings must use the facilities of other religious organizations or worship in private homes.Non-Muslim religious groups are permitted to openly advertise group functions, but it is proselytizing or distributing religious literature is strictly prohibited under penalty of prosecution, imprisonment and deportation for participating in behavior offensive to Islam.

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